
You can also find my articles on my Google Scholar profile.

Connecting through public transport: Accessibility to health and education in major African cities

Stokenberga, A., Saïsset, E., Kerzhner, T., Espinet Alegre, X. (2024). Connecting through public transport: Accessibility to health and education in major African cities. Area Development and Policy, 1-18.

Potential pension fund losses should not deter high-income countries from bold climate action

Semieniuk, G., Chancel, L., Saïsset, E., Holden, P. B., Mercure, J.-F., Edwards, N. R. (2023). Potential pension fund losses should not deter high-income countries from bold climate action. Joule, 7(7), 1383-1387.

Ajustement carbone aux frontières. L’Europe à l’heure des choix.

Mini, C., Saïsset, E. (2021). Ajustement carbone aux frontières. L’Europe à l’heure des choix. La Fabrique de l’industrie. Presse des Mines.

Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism. Friend or foe of the European Industry?

Mini, C., Saïsset, E. (2021). Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism. Friend or foe of the European Industry? La Fabrique de l’industrie.

Connectivity for Human Capital: Realizing the Right to Education and Healthcare through Improved Public Transport in African Cities

World Bank. (2021). Connectivity for Human Capital: Realizing the Right to Education and Healthcare through Improved Public Transport in African Cities. Mobility and Transport Connectivity. © World Bank.